Yap.. I am stuck! Lavishly stuck! I just love how that sounds, it describes what I feel at the moment…I do not know what to write about! It has been a while since I was on here shared on here.

Thank you for your patience with me on that, it means a lot to me. ❤️❤️

Well, I knew I had to do something about my writing since early last year.. I love writing.. well reading and writing. Yesterday, I joined a Writing Challenge with a group of fellow writers. The challenge is to write 300 words daily for this month of February. Each writer shares at the end of the day, how many words they managed. Now, the catch is that if you do not write, you are bringing down the sum and average of words for the whole team. So you have to write!

Yap! Wonderful, right? Yap…I love it already.. yet, I don’t know what to write about.

I don’t know what to write on today, let alone, what I will be writing for a whole month! But, I begin anyway. Even if I will have to note down that I do not know what to write, like today. 😆

I have always been an avid reader growing up.. picking it up even more this past year.. and writer.. nope, not published yet..key word YET. I have written many novels.. many short stories… ALL IN MY HEAD! …. But in this time, here today, I do not know what to write about. Is this Writer’s Block?

But for this to be, should I not have written and published something already? Hmm..

I have many stories to tell to be honest: both real and imagined.. I hope to share them in this coming month, hopefully, they will be more than the 300 words I must do each day. Yes, you can hold me to it! Infact, I dare you to. 😃

Today, I do not know what to write…. could it be that I did not prepare myself for this challenge that I so happily jumped into? Could it be that when I worked on my vision board this year and added writing as one of my goals that I did not fully understand what would be required? Could it be… I just do not know how to write?

Maybe! But deep down, I want to say no!

What I know is that whatever the month holds, I will strive to write something every day. Bear with me.. some articles will be like this.. being very transparent and vulnerable with you on. There will be some that will make you laugh.. some will make you cry.. and I will write!

Have you been in a similar situation as well? I realise for everything we need in life, we need some level of perseverance to do it!


Are you tired of being stuck or feeling like you're in a rut?
We make choices each day on which life we want for ourselves! 🥳

Infact, the only way to get through is to push on through. Wake up and take that positive action today, even right now.. well.. finish these last two statements and leave a comment before you go though. Haha!

I am working on creating The Lady Anchored Facebook and WhatsApp Groups for us to have a community to share, support and encourage each other as we go through our various hurdles, which I tend to believe are bigger than my small hurdle of getting some words of encouragement out every day for this month! It is something I love doing.. anytime someone needs to be encouraged, well here I am.

So join me, let’s get out of our comfort zones and thrive! It may take sometime for others, for others much shorter but because we make the conscious beneficial choices, we will THRIVE!

All I know is that I will write every day, even when I do not know what to write!

Thank you for reading.

Always Your Personal Encourager! 🥳🥳